Young Israel Coronavirus Email #3: Daily Zoom Tefillah, Lunch'n'Learn, Torah Resources, Upcoming Events and More!
03/19/2020 09:46:17 AM
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Good Morning Young Israel Family,
Every new day has new challenges and opportunities. Let's continue to adapt together and expand our circles of connection and support ever wider.
Today, let's try reaching out to a friend or relative you haven't connected with in a while -- show them you care and you'll see it will brighten your day too!!
Have a wonderful day, filled with strength and good health,
Rabbi Tuvia Brander
Below, this email includes various updates and resources for our community - please read it thoroughly and carefully and utilize it as appropriate.
(1) Daily Tefillah Zoom Continues (2) Important Medical Guidance Concerning Individuals from Out of Town (including returning students)
(3) Rabbi Brander's Lunch'n'Learn is BACK TODAY at Zoom!
(4) Young Israel Book Club Meets Tonight -- Dont Miss It!
(5) Great Free Torah Resources Available
(6) Upcoming Programs -- Stay Tuned!
(7) Addressing Financial/Resource Needs
(8) Zoom Info and Instructions/Assistance for those not yet connected
(9) Young Israel COVID-19 Information Repository
(1) Daily Tefillah Zoom - Virtual Davening Together
While we may not be able to formally constitute a minyan, we can still harness the power of prayer together by davening at the same time.
Tonight, we will be davening Mincha followed by Maariv at 6:45 PM. We will begin Mincha together followed by a chapter of Tehillim and short D'var Halakha from Rabbi Brander and concluding with Maariv.
This morning, we will be davening Shacharit at 6:45 AM.
All the zoom link information can be found below (Here is direct computer link:
(2) IMPORTANT Medical Guidance Abt Individuals from Out of Town (including returning students) The following medical guidance was received last night, 3/17, from the Orthodox Union and the Rabbinical Council of America:
We have already advised that social distancing for each and every member of our community is critical. People should maintain physical distance from others, and should limit shopping trips, sending only one person on those trips.
The situation continues to evolve at a rapid pace and thus these guidelines are formulated based solely on currently available information and advice. Significant developments have compelled this addition to the guidelines previously issued by the OU.
We must further add: Many individuals - including thousands of students - are returning to their communities from areas with active communal transmission - including Israel, New York and New Jersey. These individuals should practice separation for 14 days in the family home, having a separate room for sleeping, a separate bathroom if possible, and otherwise keeping a safe distance. They should not be the ones doing the shopping trips or any ventures out into the community until they have been home for 14 days symptom-free. We advise strongly against those returning from such areas - as well as all grandchildren - kissing or hugging or having other close contact with elderly grandparents or others considered high risk from COVID-19.
With regard to what specific steps to take within the family home to separate those returning from the other members of the family, parents should consult with their own medical advisors and should adhere to all governmental, public health and local medical guidelines for how to practice separation for returnees from areas of active transmission. Many local synagogues and communities are helping members to be informed and connected to appropriate sources of guidance.
(3) Rabbi Brander's Parasha Lunch'n'Learn TODAY!!
Our weekly Parasha lunch'n'learn, Pondering the Parasha, continues today at 11:45 am on ZOOM. We have the privilege this week of exploring Parashat Vayakel & Pekudei.
You bring the lunch -- We'll bring the Torah!! Download (and print) the source sheet: click here!
All the zoom link information can be found below (Here is direct computer link:
(4) Young Israel Book Club Meets Tonight - 7:30 PM
Tonight, Wednesday 3/18, at 7:30p the YI Book Club will be discussing The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris. Everyone is welcome to join us for the discussion!
We can open the discussion at 7:20p so you can adjust your screen before we start at 7:30.
Join via Zoom, you can either join online on your computer or smartphone by clicking here: or you can connect easily by calling in simply by dialing our special conference call: 1 646 558 8656 and when asked key in our Meeting ID: 685 094 0946 followed by # and then another #.
(5) Great Free Torah Resources
There are a number of INCREDIBLE Torah resources now available free during these trying times.
a) has for a long time been the largest repository of shiurim and Torah classes online in the world. Check out featured speakers, trending topics and so much more! (Rabbi Brander even has one or two items there).
b) Aleph Beta presents wonderful illustrated and deeply insightful content on a host of different topics from the weekly Parasha to the upcoming Pesach holiday. They are now offering a free month while stuck at home: Click Here to get it!
c) Artscroll is now offering free digital volumes of their famous English-translated Gemaras. Check it out and pick up our Daf Yomi cycle at
(6) Upcoming Programs -- Stay Tuned!
This Thursday afternoon, the Young Israel Kidz Club will be hosting a ZOOM-based Trivia Challenge for children grades K-8 (different times for different ages). See flyer below for more information.
Additionally, Rabbi Brander will be giving a series of sessions on making Pesach next week- whether for the first time or the next time -- dont miss it!
Much more is also coming!!
(7) Addressing Financial/Resources Needs
As a community, we are here to help each other. We recognize that the financial and resource tolls of this crisis will only grow. We are preparing to support our community on many levels. If you are in current need or expect to be in need, please contact Rabbi Brander or Les Loew so we can begin to assess need, prepare and provide immediate support. If you'd like to offer support, please donate here.
(8) Zoom Info and Instructions Remember all Young Israel Zoom-based Meeting will have same log on information!!
To join Zoom online on your computer or smartphone go to:
You can also connect simply by calling in! Just dial our special conference call: 1 646 558 8656 and when asked key in our Meeting ID: 685 094 0946 followed by # and then another #.
Especially in these trying times, we want everyone to be able to connect together! If you are not sure how to use Zoom yet, here is a great tutorial: CLICK HERE. Also, we are happy to send someone to your home to set it up and make sure you have the ease of access you need to connect with the many different programs coming your way. Lastly, did you know that you don't even need a computer to use Zoom -- you can easily connect with a simple phone call -- just dial our special conference call: 1 646 558 8656 and when asked key in our Meeting ID: 685 094 0946 followed by # and then another #.
(9)Young Israel COVID-19 Information Repository
All the emails that we are sending about Covid-19 are posted to our website at