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Young Israel Update #9 - Fri 3/27 Shabbat Schedule, Shabbat Video Contest, Kabbalat Shabbat Sing Along, and much more!

04/02/2020 05:13:41 PM


PLEASE PLEASE take a few moments and review this email! It contains important updates, information about upcoming events and a plethora of other things!

Good Morning,

Thank you, everyone, again for your well wishes and joining us this morning. Miriam, Amalya Hodaya, Lielle Adira and I feel so blessed to be part of this warm community and Young Israel family.

As we move into Nisan and gear up to celebrate Pesach, we are reminded that we aim not only to mark our historic redemption from Egypt but to cultivate and exhibit true freedom in our lives even today. While we do not get to choose the circumstances we live in, it is our choice how we respond and react. Do we seize the moment to embrace and reflect on the family and friends we have in our lives? Do we take action to preach and protect everyone in our community and society by proactively engaging in social distancing, staying home unless absolutely necessary and forgoing meet up and playdates even in small settings? Do we seize the moment to transform everything we do into the precious mitzvah of saving another person's life? That choice is ours!

As always, and especially now, please know that Miriam and I are here for you and anything you may need! Please don't hesitate to reach out!

Wishing us all a Shabbat filled with strength, good health and inspiration,

Rabbi Tuvia Brander

Below, this email includes various updates and resources for our community - please read it thoroughly and carefully and utilize it as appropriate.

(1) IMPORTANT COVID-19 Joint Statement About Pesach

(2) Pesach Wine Sale Deadline -- TOMORROW
(3) Young Israel Shabbat Video Contest!!
(4) Let's Still Shabbat Together!! Pre Shabbat & Post Shabbat Programs!

(5) Shabbat Schedule for Shabbat Parashat Vayikra
(6) Mazel Tovs, Acknowledgments and Notes
This Week's Shiurim/Classes Schedule
(8) Preparing For Pesach - Recording of Pesach Made Easy: Cleaning For Pesach in 2 Days
(9) Update From Mikveh Bess Israel
(10) Addressing Financial/Resource Needs -- LET US KNOW!
(11) Zoom Info and Instructions/Assistance for those not yet connected
(12) Young Israel COVID-19 Information Repository


Joint Statement to the Orthodox Community
Regarding Pesach

Rabbinic leaders and organizations across the Orthodox spectrum have, individually, declared the health threat presented by COVID-19 a mortal threat (sakanas nefashos). We, leaders of major American Orthodox Jewish organizations, join together again to further clarify our shared and firm guidance for our communities.

We have heretofore urged not only full compliance with all health guidance issued by federal, state and local governments, but have gone beyond those pronouncements in urging our communities to remain at home and avoid, to the maximum extent feasible, any outside interactions.

With regard to the upcoming Pesach holiday, we note specifically the following critical mandates, shared in consultation with leading infectious disease and public health experts:

1. We are accustomed to honoring Pesach to the fullest degree, including taking haircuts, purchasing new clothing and tableware, and preparing the fullest menus. This year’s public health crisis mandates us to significantly limit all of the above. Our responsibility is to refrain from any NON-ESSENTIAL outside interactions, including especially in-store shopping. If there is a need for truly ESSENTIAL purchases, send one family member only – who is neither ill, vulnerable, nor of known exposure to COVID-19 – as rarely and as briefly as possible. Stores serving the community should shift to home delivery or drive-by parking lot pick-up of pre-orders, and – to the extent this is not possible – must take substantive steps to minimize crowding, maintain hygiene, and maximize social distancing.

We will truly honor Pesach by limiting our purchases to the truly ESSENTIAL, ensuring that all of us – especially the vulnerable – are able to celebrate Pesach in good health. We must STAY HOME; SAVE LIVES.

2. The Pesach plans of many have been completely upended. This creates severe difficulty for so many. We are deeply sympathetic to this enormous difficulty. Nevertheless, public health demands strict adherence to the current guidance. Travel to other cities must be cancelled, whether to vacation venues (Florida, etc.) or to family. Everyone must plan to celebrate Pesach where they are currently.

Individuals living alone or those absolutely unable to prepare for Pesach may choose to self-quarantine for 14 days, and then – if asymptomatic – may join with a welcoming local family that is similarly asymptomatic and that has been disciplined in staying home and limiting their interactions outside the home to the absolute minimum as described above.

These guests may join one family only for the duration, without additional company, and must carefully observe the mandated standards of scrupulous hygiene and social distancing. The elderly and high risk must seek medical advice before considering this.


We urge one and all – while strictly maintaining the prescribed guidelines – to look out for each other by reaching out to and providing for each other, especially those living alone.

We hope and pray that our sincere tefillos (prayers) and chassadim (acts of kindness) will move Hashem to swiftly remove this plague from the world and bless us all with health, peace and tranquility.

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel, Executive Vice President, Agudath Israel of America Rabbi Mendy Mirocznick, Executive Vice-President, Igud HaRabbanim - Rabbinical Alliance of America
Rabbi Shmuel Blech, Chairman, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Weisberg, Co-Chair, The Lakewood Vaad
Farley Weiss, President, National Council of Young Israel
Moishe Bane, President, Allen Fagin, Executive Vice President, the Orthodox Union Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, President, Rabbi Mark Dratch, Executive Vice President, Rabbinical Council of America

Download the full statement


Pesach Wine Sale -- Deadline TOMORROW!
Finally, we have a wine sale for this Pesach! Our apologies sorry for the delay. This year, we will be using for our wine sale. This will enable us to get wine delievered directly to our door without needing to go out and enabling us all to observe the essential social distancing.

To order, follow these 4 easy steps!!

(1) Print out this year's wine list (click here).

(2) Use the order sheet attached to fill in the wines you want, their price & the total. Please note the total number of bottles must be a multiple of 12, though items may be mixed.

(3) Fill out the shipping information with your home address, credit card information and etc.

(4) Scan and email this completed form to Steven Luger at or drop it off at his home (37 Miamis Dr)


Don’t see a wine you want to order? Go to, see if it is in stock and add it to your order.

Orders MUST be in to Steve Luger by Friday March 27

Please note, tax will be added this (since it is being shipped directly to your home). We apologize for the short window! Chag kasher v'sameach

Questions? Ask Steven Luger at

Join this week's Shabbat Video Contest! Kids of all ages are invited to prepare videos of their family's Shabbat preparations. Send your video to to be entered into a raffle for an Amazon gift card!

Shabbat Schedule for March 27-28
Parashat Vayikra

All Zoom programs can be accessed either by computer ( or on the phone at (646) 558-8656 and Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#.

Erev Shabbat Friday, March 27
7:00 am – Virtual Shacharit on Zoom
11:45 amVirtual Tot Shabbat (Shabbat Morning Groups Ages 5 and under) with Becca Maurer
5:45 pmKabbalat Shabbat Sing Along with Rabbi Brander and Hudi Kowalsky
6:53 pm – Candle Lighting
6:58 pm – Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat (at home)*
7:40 pm – Repeat Shema after

Shabbat, March 28
9:00 am – Shacharit, Torah Reading & Musaf* (see below for instructions for davening at home)
9:49 am – Sof Zman Kiryat Shema (Latest Shema)
1:28 pm – Earliest Mincha (and before 7:13 pm)
7:55 pm – Havadalah and Shabbat Ends
8:10 pmVirtual Communal Havadalah with Sam Leichtberg and Stu Miller

Sunday, March 29 – Thursday, April 2
8:15 am – Virtual Shacharit on Zoom (Sunday)
9:00 amGemara Class by Yair Litchman on Zoom (Sunday)
7:00 am – Virtual Shacharit on Zoom (Monday-Thursday)
7:00 pm – Virtual Mincha & Maariv on Zoom

Erev Shabbat – Friday, April 3
7:00 am – Virtual Shacharit on Zoom
11:45 am – Virtual Tot Shabbat (Shabbat Morning Groups Ages 5 and under) with Becca Maurer
5:45 pm – Kabbalat Shabbat Sing Along with Rabbi Brander and Hudi Kowalsky
7:01 pm – Candle Lighting

**Shabbat Schedule
Under conditions in which we are unable to pray together in the same space, our sages felt that praying together at the same time serves as a virtual-bridge between us and binds our prayers into a force beyond compare.
Let us all, to the extent that we can, aim to begin davening in our homes tonight as Shabbat comes in (around 6:58 PM) and tomorrow at 9am (the latest time for the Shacharit Amidah is 10:50 am; the latest time for the Shema is 9:48 am). The earliest time for Mincha is 1:27 pm-which should ideally be davened before seudah shlishit, which in turn, should begin sometime before 7:12 pm.

Davening Protocol

  • Certain parts of Tefilah are omitted when davening individually:
    • including Barachu, Kaddish, Chazarat ha-Shatz (the repetition of the Amidah), and Kedusha
    • Friday night: Omit the blessing of Magen Avos (berachaachat me'ein shevah) after the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv.
    • Shabbat day: Omit Berich Shemeih (yes Matthew). Ashkenazim also omit Yekum Perkan and Av Ha-Rachamim(since we are in Nisan).
  • Pitum HaKetoret, which follows Ein Kelokeinu, is seen as a particularly potent prayer at a time of need, especially in the context of the spread of disease, as the incense
  • At the end of davening, Tehillim (Psalm) 130 can be added as a way of focusing our attention on the dire needs of those suffering from the virus and in the hopes that our actions will limit its spread and severity.

Torah Reading
While Torah reading, in its most ideal sense, requires a true Sefer Torah, in lieu of that possibility our best option is to read the Parsha (Vayikra) and the Haftarah (Isaiah 43:21-44:23) from a whole Tanakh. If one doesn't have a whole Tanakh at home, reading from a Chumash is the next best option. Artscroll has generously made available this week's Parsha and Haftorah for free; you can download and print a copy here:
The reading for Mincha need not be read from a Tanakh or Chumash, and reading it in the back the siddur suffices.

Please make Havdalah in your homes once Shabbat has departed, after 7:55 pm. Everyone is then invited to participate in a community-wide virtual Havdalah, as per the call-in instructions contained at the bottom of this email. Though one cannot fulfill the obligation to say Havdalah through technological media (unless under pressing circumstances), one is welcome to say 'Amen' to any berakhot heard contemporaneously (i.e. live).

Mazel Tov to Naomi & David Rosen on the birth of a granddaughter, Maya Ruth, to Naomi's daughter, Ilana & Mitch Harris!

Mazel Tov to Miriam & Rabbi Tuvia Brander on the birth of a baby girl, Lielle Adira

Mazel Tov to Darona & David Hersh on the birth of a baby girl, Liana Pearl

10 Tips To Enhance Your Shabbat This Week!!

1. Print out something uplifting to read on Shabbat. Here is the one day of the week that we have to focus on our spiritual aspirations. In the absence of communal prayer, let’s think proactively about alternative ways to allow our spirits to soar.

2. Reach out to someone older or under quarantine. Let them know that they are not alone and that you are thinking of them.

3. Download and print Yair Lichtman's Youth Shabbat Survival Guide (here)

4. Dress for Shabbat. We won’t be in shul, but we can still accord Shabbat the dignity and kavod it so richly deserves by dressing as if we were going to shul.

5. If we can’t daven together literally, let’s at least daven together at the same time. We’ll start our Morning davening at home at 9am. (I promise we’ll end before 11am.)

6. Please recite this special Tefillah for the victims of the coronavirus.

7. Think about someone you miss seeing in shul. Either call them before Shabbat or make a mental note to call him/her after Havdalah.

8. Think about a favorite shul moment from Shabbat morning.

9. Sing. I know that in my own life, shul is the place where I do the most singing. Join us for our musical Kabbalat Shabbat and sing with us AND join us for a communal Havdalah as well. You can either Zoom in from a computer or just call in on your phone. (go to

10. Our conversation and our mental energy have become entirely consumed by the coronavirus. As Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, Shabbat is a sanctuary in time. We may not be in our literal sanctuary, but we can still use Shabbat to carve out this temporal sanctuary. Conservatively, let’s set aside an hour during which talk and thought of coronavirus is off limits. (And then I would invite you to transport this model into the rest of the week.)


This Week's Shiurim/Classes Schedule
All classes can be accessed via Zoom here or by phone at (646) 558-8656 and Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#

Sunday (3/29) -- 9 am: Talmud Class with guest presenter Yair Lichtman

Monday (3/30) -- 11:14 am: Four Questions, Four Sons and Five Cups of Wine? with Yair Lichtman

Monday (3/30) -- 8 pm: Why is this Pesach Different From All Others? Addressing The Unique Situation and interactive Q&A. Rabbi Brander will address explain the unique situation with selling chametz, toveling kelim, burning the chametz and much more. Plus he will be taking questions. Please feel free to submit them in advance to
This is part 2 of Rabbi Brander's Pesach for Rookies and Returnees Series.

Wednesday (4/1) -- 11:45 AM: Pondering the Parasha: Vayikra Edition with Rabbi Brander -- WILL NOT MEET THIS WEEK

Wednesday (4/1) -- 8 PM: Seder Leader Survival Guide: Tips for a Succesful Seder
This is part 3 of Rabbi Brander's Pesach for Rookies and Returnees Series

Missed the first of Rabbi Brander's Pesach for Rookies & Returnees Series: Pesach Made Easy: Preparing for Pesach in just TWO Days? Don't Worry!

Catch Pesach Made Easy: Preparing for Pesach in just TWO Days here. With Rabbi Brander, tour our homes and discuss what needs to be done to get ready for Pesach. Review topics including preparing one's home, kashering a kitchen for Pesach and more.

Click Here To Listen
Questions about selling of the Chametz (Mechirat Chametz), Fast of the Firstborns, Biyur Chametz (Burning of the Chametz), Toveling Keilim and other contemporary situation related matters will be address on Sunday at part two of this series called Why Is This Pesach Different For All Other?


We at Mikveh Bess Israel are closely tracking the progress of the coronavirus outbreak and following the guidelines put forth by the CDC, doctors, and Rabonim very closely to ensure the safety of all our users. According to the CDC the coronavirus bacteria is not passed through chlorinated water. We are maintaining proper ph and chlorine levels and spacing appointments 20 minutes apart. Please be sure to make your appointment 48 hours in advance so we ensure proper spacing of users.

  1. this time the Mikveh is only open for the purpose of Teharat Hamishpacha. We will be sanitizing the Mikveh and all surfaces between each user. If you have been told to quarantine yourself or a member of your family is sick, please reach out for further guidance. The Mikveh is only open at this moment to healthy individuals, whose family members display no symptoms.

We recommend all Mikveh preparations be done at home including the final shower, which should be done right before coming to the Mikveh. When you arrive at the Mikveh, do a final inspection and comb your hair. We will do an extra dip in the Mikvah to rinse off before Toveling (like Friday night) instead of the shower in the Mikveh building. If you do not have access to a bathtub or cannot prepare at home, please reach out for guidance.

What to expect at the Mikveh:

  • Upon arrival all users will be guided to take off their jacket and shoes, and immediately wash their hands. Linens will be given out as needed (all linens in the bathroom need to be washed after. This will help reduce unnecessary laundry.)
  • The Mikveh attendant will maintain a 6-foot distance and sanitize her hands before and after each Tevilah.
  • For your safety we will also be sanitizing each room and the Mikveh between each use.

We will be sending out periodic updates via whatsapp broadcast. To be included in this list please make sure you have Aidy Rubin's number saved in your phone. If she does not have your number but you wish to receive updates, please message her at 858-254-8536.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Michele Schwanke, President

Addressing Financial/Resources Needs
As a community, we are here to help each other. We recognize that the financial and resource tolls of this crisis will only grow. We are preparing to support our community on many levels. If you are in current need or expect to be in need, please contact Rabbi Brander or Les Loew so we can begin to assess need, prepare and provide immediate support. If you'd like to offer support, please donate here.

Zoom Info and Instructions
Remember all Young Israel Zoom-based Meeting will have same log on information!!
To join Zoom online on your computer or smartphone go to:
You can also connect simply by calling in! Just dial our special conference call: 1 646 558 8656 and when asked key in our Meeting ID: 685 094 0946 followed by # and then another #.

Especially in these trying times, we want everyone to be able to connect together!

If you are not sure how to use Zoom yet, here is a great tutorial: CLICK HERE. Also, we are happy to send someone to your home to set it up and make sure you have the ease of access you need to connect with the many different programs coming your way.

Young Israel COVID-19 Information Repository
All the emails that we are sending about Covid-19 are posted to our website at

Wed, January 8 2025 8 Tevet 5785