Upcoming Week Schedule, Pesach Prep & Last Week Recap Sun 3/29
04/02/2020 05:13:29 PM
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This Week's Schedule of Virtual Minyanim and Shiurim/Classes
All classes can be accessed via Zoom here or by phone at (646) 558-8656 and Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#
Virtual Minyanim
Shacharit (Sunday) -- 8:15 am
Shacharit (Monday--Friday) -- 7:00 am
Mincha followed by Maariv (Sunday--Thursday) -- 7:00 pm
Classes and Shiurim Sunday (3/29)
9 am: Talmud Class with guest presenter Yair Lichtman
Monday (3/30)
11:45 am: Four Questions, Four Sons and Five Cups of Wine? with Yair Lichtman 8 pm: Why is this Pesach Different From All Others? Addressing The Unique Situation and interactive Q&A. Rabbi Brander will address explain the unique situation with selling chametz, toveling kelim, burning the chametz and much more. Plus he will be taking questions. Please feel free to submit them in advance to admin@youngisraelwh.org. This is part 2 of Rabbi Brander's Pesach for Rookies and Returnees Series.
Wednesday (4/1)
11:45 AM: Pondering the Parasha: Vayikra Edition with Rabbi Brander --WILL NOT MEET THIS WEEK 8 PM: Seder Leader Survival Guide: Tips for a Succesful Seder presented in partnership with Rabbi Brander and Rabbi Stu Grant. This is part 3 of Rabbi Brander's Pesach for Rookies and Returnees Series
Questions about selling of the Chametz (Mechirat Chametz), Fast of the Firstborns, Biyur Chametz (Burning of the Chametz), Toveling Keilim and other contemporary situation related matters will be addressed on Monday at part two of this series called Why Is This Pesach Different For All Other?
Missed the first of Rabbi Brander's Pesach for Rookies & Returnees Series: Pesach Made Easy: Preparing for Pesach in just TWO Days? Don't Worry!
Catch Pesach Made Easy: Preparing for Pesach in just TWO Days here. With Rabbi Brander, tour our homes and discuss what needs to be done to get ready for Pesach. Review topics including preparing one's home, kashering a kitchen for Pesach and more.
Missed this week's musical havadallah? Check it out here!
Addressing Financial/Resources Needs
As a community, we are here to help each other. We recognize that the financial and resource tolls of this crisis will only grow. We are preparing to support our community on many levels. If you are in current need or expect to be in need, please contact Rabbi Brander or Les Loew so we can begin to assess need, prepare and provide immediate support. If you'd like to offer support, please donate here.
Zoom Info and Instructions Remember all Young Israel Zoom-based Meeting will have same log on information!!
To join Zoom online on your computer or smartphone go to: www.youngisraelwh.org/zoom
You can also connect simply by calling in! Just dial our special conference call: 1 646 558 8656 and when asked key in our Meeting ID: 685 094 0946 followed by # and then another #.
Especially in these trying times, we want everyone to be able to connect together!
If you are not sure how to use Zoom yet, here is a great tutorial: CLICK HERE. Also, we are happy to send someone to your home to set it up and make sure you have the ease of access you need to connect with the many different programs coming your way.
Young Israel COVID-19 Information Repository
All the emails that we are sending about Covid-19 are posted to our website at www.youngisraelwh.org/covid19