While we may not be able to physically gather for Yizkor nor to remember our loved ones, we can still come together virtual to recite our communal Yizkor and personal Yizkors together.
Tonight, at 8 PM, we will begin with some words of introduction from Rabbi Brander followed by the recitations of our communal Yizkors and concluding with the recitiation of our personal Yizkors.
This Week's Schedule of Virtual Minyanim and Shiurim/Classes
All classes can be accessed via Zoom here(youngisraelwh.org/zoom) or by phone at (646) 558-8656 and Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#
Virtual Minyanim
Shacharit (Sunday) -- 8:15 am
Shacharit (Monday & Tuesday) -- 7:00 am
Mincha followed by Maariv (Sunday & Monday) -- 7:20 pm For Full Pesach Schedule Click HERE
For Comprehensive Pesach Home Davening Guide Click HERE
We are here for you!! There are a number of COVID-19 Relief programs underway to help address and alleviate the additional burdens of our current situation.
Please! Help Us Help You -- please reach out confidentially to Rabbi Brander or a member of the board if you are in need of support -- physically, financially, mentally or emotionally! Do you need help getting groceries, picking up prescriptions, running important errands? We are here for you!!
You can also tap into a number of community-wide initiatives underway to help provide support:
CLICK HERE to get support with providing Kosher For Pesach meals, personal hygiene products, arrange for check-in calls and apply for a rapid relief emergency stipend of up to $750 from the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation
There are also financial support opportunities directly through the shul.