This Week @ Young Israel -- Shabbat Schedule & Bulletin 4/25/2020
04/24/2020 02:45:01 PM
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There's always a lot going on at Young scroll down and check out our bulletin!!
It's Erev Shabbat AGAIN!! It is hard to imagine that we are entering our 6th Shabbat without being able to come together! That's 6 weeks where we haven't been able to daven, learn, read Torah and enjoy each other's company together!
Yet, as hard as it is to fathom, we must remember that every moment that we are staying home and helping to stem the spread of this vicious virus is a mitzvah and the fulfillment of two of the most important religious and moral mandates we are given: (1) to protect and preserve our own lives and (2) to save and protect others' lives!
What incredible mitzvot our community has accomplished over the past 6 weeks. No to mention, the learning, davening, chesed, loving-kindness, charity and so much more that we have all been a part of these past 6 weeks. God willing, in that merit, we should quickly see an end to this coronavirus outbreak!
In reflecting on the past 6 weeks, it is truly a marvel to think about how we-- as individuals, a community and society-- have so quickly adapted to this new situation.As we look to the future, we hope we will be back together physically soon. At the same time, we also wanted to check in about how we were doing and how we could better connect all of us together. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and help us all weather this pasting storm better together.
Of course, we miss you! Miriam, Amalya, Lielle and I would like to wish you a restful, restorative and peaceful Shabbat!
Just a reminder, please help us all do whatever we can to stay safe, flatten the curve and prevent the spread. We, God willing, will have some wonderful weather and beautiful days over the upcoming days (hopefully at least). Please remember to maintain proper social distancing and please do not gather together in groups. Please remember that 6 feet is longer than you think and please be "machmir" (stringent) on that measurement. Please remind your children when walking they must distance themselves from friends. It would be wise before heading out to discuss with your children the need to NOT run and greet their friends they might see in the street.
It is critical that we remain vigilant and are NOT lulled into a false sense of security and we must not let down on our communal effort to practice physical distancing. The positive impact of our effort is not a reason to become lax; it is, in fact, the reason to continue these efforts and remain vigilant.
COME SHABBAT WITH US All Zoom programs can be accessed either by computer ( ) or on the phone at (646) 558-8656 and Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#.
Join us for Pre- & Post- Shabbat Programs
11:45 AM Tot Shabbat with Becca Maurer.
5:45-6:15 PM Pre-Shabbat Ruach with Hudi Kowalsky!
10 minutes after Shabbat is over Havdallah with Sam Leitchberg and Stu Miller.
ISRAEL @ 72! Join the entire community for a community-based virtual and interactive Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) program. Plus, a special torch-lighting ceremony honoring our local COVID-19 Heroes.
All Zoom programs can be accessed either by computer ( or on the phone at (646) 558-8656 and Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#.
JUST A REMINDER -- Thursday Night, Friday and Shabbat are Rosh Chodesh Iyar! Time to say Hallel (or the abridged version at least), Ya'aleh V'yavo and Musaf!
Friday, April 24th— Rosh Chodesh Erev Shabbat
Virtual Shacharit
Virtual Tot Shabbat with Becca Maurer
Pre-Shabbat Ruach with Hudi Kowalsky
Earliest Candle Lighting
Latest Candle Lighting
Mincha before & Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv after
Repeat Shema & Count Sefira after
Shabbat, April 25—Shabbat Rosh Chodesh
Shacharit, Hallel, Torah Reading, Mussaf
Sof Zman Kriat Shema (Latest Shema)
Earliest Mincha
Mincha & Seudat Shlishit
Shabbat Ends & Maariv
Virtual Communal Havdallah
Sunday, April 26th—Thursday, April 30th
Shacharit...Monday –Friday
Shacharit...Wed. (Yom HaAztmaut w/ Hallel)
Mincha & Maariv (Sunday-Thursday)
*Under conditions in which we are unable to pray together in the same space, our sages felt that praying together at the same time serves as a virtual-bridge between us and binds our prayers into a force beyond compare. So join us each day for Shacharit and Mincha-Maariv.
Let us all, to the extent that we can, aim to begin davening Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv in our homes as Shabbat comes in and on Shabbat morning at 9 am.
Davening Guide Certain parts of Tefilah are omitted when davening individually:
· including Barachu, Kaddish, Chazarat ha-Shatz (the repetition of the Amidah), and Kedusha
· Friday night: Omit the blessing of Magen Avot (beracha achat me'ein shevah) after the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv.
· Shabbat day: Omit Berich Shemeih (yes Matthew). Ashkenazim also omit Yekum Perkan
· We DO say Av Ha-Rachamim (even though it is Shabbat Rosh Chodesh because it is in this period of the year that we mourn the loss of those community Av Ha-Rachamim is referring to).
Pitum HaKetoret, which follows Ein Kelokeinu, is seen as a particularly potent prayer at a time of need, especially in the context of the spread of disease, as the incense
At the end of davening, Tehillim (Psalm) 130 can be added as a way of focusing our attention on the dire needs of those suffering from the virus and in the hopes that our actions will limit its spread and severity.
While Torah reading, in its most ideal sense, requires a true Sefer Torah, in lieu of that possibility our best option is to read the Parsha (Tazria-Metzora), Maftir (Bamidbar 28:9-15) and the Haftarah for Shabbat Rosh Chodesh (Isaiah 66:1-24) from a whole Tanakh. If one doesn't have a whole Tanakh at home, reading from a Chumash is the next best option.
The reading for Mincha need not be read from a Tanakh or Chumash, and reading it in the back the siddur suffices.
We omit Tzizkutcha Tzedak since it is Rosh Chodesh.
Additionally, as this is Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, don’t forget to recite and include
· Ya'aleh v'yavo in Shemoneh Esrei and bentching from Thursday Maariv through (and including) Shabbat Mincha
· Abridged Hallel after Shacharit Shemoneh Esrei on Friday and Shabbat
· Mussaf on Friday and the special Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Mussaf (Atah Yazarta)
· Barchi Nafshi at the conclusion of Mussaf on Friday and Shabbat
Please make Havdalah in your homes once Shabbat has departed, after 8:30 pm. At 8:40 pm, everyone is then invited to participate in a community-wide virtual Havdalah, on our Zoom . Though one cannot fulfill the obligation to say Havdalah through technological media (unless under pressing circumstances), one is welcome to say 'Amen' to any berakhot heard contemporaneously (i.e. live).
No Kiddush Levana yet as it is too early — sorry Nate & Hi Talya!
Do you need help?
JFS social workers will be operating a FREE & confidential emotional support hotline. This is not a crisis line or a replacement for therapeutic telehealth appointments; this is an outlet for community members to express their worries, be heard, and gain support. Weekly hours: Thursdays 6-8 pm, Mondays & Wednesdays 4/29, 1-3 PM. Call 860.613.5429 to talk to our team! Call 860.613.5429 to talk to our team!
We are here for you!! There are a number of COVID-19 Relief programs underway to help address and alleviate the additional burdens of our current situation.
Please! Help Us Help You -- please reach out confidentially to Rabbi Brander or a member of the board if you are in need of support -- physically, financially, mentally or emotionally! We are here for you!!
Do you need help getting groceries or provisions for your home? We can help you!!
You can also tap into a number of community-wide initiatives underway to help provide support:
CLICK HERE to get support with providing Kosher For Pesach meals, personal hygiene products, arrange for check-in calls and to apply for a rapid relief emergency stipend of up to $750 from the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation.
Do you need more support? The Young Israel COVID-19 Relief Fund is here to help as well -- please contact Rabbi Brander.