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Shabbat comes to Wednesday...Shabbat Drasha and Shmooze TONIGHT at 8:30PM

05/06/2020 08:11:38 PM


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This week's Torah and Shmooze Shabbat Zoom Kiddush is sponsored by Naomi and David Rosen.

Some people bring in Shabbat early... we're doing it 48 hours early!  Join Rabbi Brander and Les Loew tonight at 8:30PM for this week's Shabbat Drasha, presented by Rabbi Brander, and important updates and announcements, and Les Lowe's 'joke of the week'.  You also hear about new exciting programs coming up! 

PLUS there will be 'shmooze time' with friends and a town-hall opportunity for questions of the day at the conclusion. 

Thank you to Naomi and David Rosen for sponsoring this week's Shabbat Zoom-Kiddush in memory of Naomi's Aunt Peshi bas Rochel and to celebrate the birth of their newest grandchild Maya Ruth Harris.

Interested in sponsoring an upcoming zoom-kiddush for your mazel tov?  Contact Debbie Luger at

We look forward to seeing you tonight as we welcome Shabbat with torah and community, 8:30PM at your favorite zoom-channel
CLICK HERE TO JOIN or dial in at (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#.
Wed, January 8 2025 8 Tevet 5785