This Week @ the Young Israel -- Lulav Orders, Kiddush Roadshow, Upcoming Programs and More: Bulletin 9/12/2020
10/29/2020 03:41:15 PM
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There's always a lot going on at Young scroll down and check out our bulletin!!
Thank God, we are back to a full schedule of Shabbat minyanim! For everyone's continued health and safety, we must ask that you please sign up in advance.
Slots are still available for Friday Night (Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat), Shabbat In The Shade and Shabbat Afternoon (Mincha).
Thanks to demand, we have added our Shabbat Morning Waiting List. We will contact all those we are able to accommodate by 5 PM Friday from on that list.
Please be sure to review carefully our guidelines (here) before signing up. Let's make sure that even as the novelty wears off we continue to preserve the excitement and gratitude for our renewed opportunity for communal prayer!
In the week leading up to Rosh HaShana, in line with the Ashkenaz Custom, we will begin to recite Selichot. Ordinarily, Selichot are recited at night which is unfortunately not compatible with our outdoor setup. As such, we will be doing the following:
(1) For the first day, this Sunday, we will reciting Selichot before Shacharit at 8 am followed by a regular Shacharit including Pesukei De’Zimra.
(2) During the days leading up to Rosh HaShana, we will be reciting Selichot before Mincha.
(3) On Erev Rosh HaShana, we will be reciting Selichot before davening.
(4) During Aseret Yemi Teshuva, Selichot will be recited at 9 PM as is the minhag of our shul in the tent put up for Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur.
On all of these occasions, an abridged Selichot will be recited.
This year, Hartford Etrog and the Chabad Chevra are back serving our community with Lulavim and Etrogim. Orders can be placed online here (click here). Of course, special COVID-19 precautions are being put in place to ensure we can all fulfill our mitzvah properly and in good health.
This year Lulavim and Etrogim can be picked up at the Young Israel on 9/24. See the order form to make an appointment.