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Young Israel Rosh HaShana 5781 Schedule, Guide, FAQ and Events

10/29/2020 03:43:13 PM



Dear Young Israel Family,

As we quickly approach a Rosh HaShana that will undoubtedly be unlike any Yamim Noraim we have celebrated in recent years, it is clear that we living at a moment where being influx seems to be the only stable thing in our lives. Yet,  as the great singer song-writer Dave Matthews notes, “Everyday Things Change; Stay The Same.”  We can say with equal conviction that no matter the trials or tribulations that we face and no matter the changing reality of the moment, we remain anchored by our timeless and unshakable values. Our mission and commitment remain unchanged. While the medium and the venue may be different, when we stand together as one community on Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, we stand before the Almighty proudly proclaiming God’s dominion in our world and recognizing our special responsibility as servants of the Divine just as generations of Jews before us.

To help accomplish our ambitious Yamim Noraim goals under these unprecedented circumstances, we have toiled hard all summer to plan, curate and foster a safe, meaningful and spiritually uplifting Rosh HaShana, Aseret Yemei Teshuva and Yom Kippur experience. We have put together a plethora of in-person, at-home, virtual and written resources, minyanim, gathering and experiences to help us along this path. I am confident with some spiritual investment from all of us, together, we will be successful in making these Yamim Noraim meaningful, uplifting, and life-changing. 

I would like to thank and express our deepest gratitude to the many people who have spent countless hours preparing for these Yamim Noraim. Thank you to our Yamim Noraim Committee: Simon Ganeles, Marc Rifkin, David Rosen, Jeremy Pava; to our COVID Taskforce: Drs. Carolyn Ganeles, Steven Luger, Tali Porat; to our High Holiday Bags committee: Dr. Ronit Kaufman and Elisheva Lempel; to our board of directors; to our office administrator Morgan Bayona; to all those who stepped up to be our chazanim, shofar blowers and Torah readers and to the countless others who have. Last, yet certainly not least, thank you to Shayne Green Kesler for her incredible leadership and partnership in overseeing this tremendous undertaking.
Miriam and I would like to wish each and everyone of you a Shana Tova -- a year of good health and happiness, of growth and personal fulfillment for ourselves, our families and entire community.


Rabbi Tuvia Brander
Mara D’Atra, Young Israel of West Hartford

UPDATE: Tents are up and our Young Israel High Holiday Guides are available outside of the shul.
PLUS - FRUIT OF THE LAND -- Words of Torah from Young Israel Students in Israel. Rosh HaShana message from Ariella Snyder. CLICK HERE



Included below are:
  • Link to the Complete High Holiday Schedule
  • Link to our Young Israel 5781 High Holiday Guide 
  • Information about Upcoming Events
  • ShulBAY Information
  • High Holiday FAQ
  • Selichot Schedule and Signup
  • Lulav
CLICK HERE to check out our High Holiday Guidefilled with important Holiday information, Davening Guides and much much more!!

High Holiday Guide will be available at all the minyanim and are available for pick up TOMORROW before Rosh HaShana in front of the shul!


Plus it is not too late to get ready for Rosh HaShana -- listen to these 30-minute classes as part of our Maximizing The Moment Initiative!
Making Meaning In The Machzor: COVID-19 Edition (PART 1)

Making Meaning In The Machzor: COVID-19 Edition (PART 2)
Making Meaning In The Machzor: COVID-19 Edition (PART 2)

High Holiday Events

Young Israel Shul-BAY

We are excited to announce the launching of the 12th Anniversary Shul-bay High Holiday Kibbudim (honors) auction. 

For those not familiar with our Shulbay auction:
For the last 11 years, we've been auctioning Kibbudim for the First Day of Rosh Hashana and for Yom Kippur. 
It's a very nice way to honor somebody, to thank somebody or surprise somebody!
This is a wonderful way to honor a friend, family member, teacher, Rabbi, Kohen or Levi (and even Yisrael). 

The Rules:
Bidding starts at $118 
Buy It Now for $360 for any kibbud ending the bidding!
Bid by name, anonymously or conglomerate
All honors, aliyot or kibbudim are on a first come - first served basis!

To place a bid, email Steve Luger at
- - -

Rosh Hashanah-Day 1 
at the 6:30 Early Minyan, 9:15 Minyan & Off-Site 10:20 Minyan

Kohen x3

Levi x3

Shlishi x3 -  Sold

Revii x3

Chamishi x3

Shishi x3

Shevi’i x3

Maftir x3


Yom Kippur Mincha 

Kohen x2

Levi x2

Shlishi x2

Maftir Yona – 1 of 2 Already Sold!

High Holiday FAQ
Minyan Sign Up: Personalized emails have gone out to everyone who has signed up. Emails were sent ONLY to the email supplied on the signup form -- please be sure to send it to other members of your party.

Hatarat Nedarim: On Erev Rosh Hashana, our morning minyan will be concluding with Hatarat Nedarim at approximately 7:25 AM. Additionally, those who wish can join over Zoom and be included as well. The text can be found here

Tashlich: Although ordinarily Tashlich is said on the first day of Rosh Hashana, since this year the first day falls out on Shabbos, Tashlich is said on the second day instead. There will be no communal Tashlich this year; everyone should say Tashlich at an appropriate body of water at some point on the afternoon of the second day of Rosh Hashana. If it is not said on Rosh Hashana, Tashlich can be said until Erev Yom Kippur or Hoshana Rabba.

Restrooms: As previously shared, the restrooms will be open over Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. Access into the building will be limited to a single individual at a time. Please review our guidelines. 

Men's Mikvah: Many have the custom to use the mikvah before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; however, due to COVID-19 concerns, our Bess Israel Mikveh will not be open for men this year.  As such, those wishing to uphold this custom can rely on 9 Kavin of water being poured on themselves. Practically, this can be accomplished by standing under a running shower for about 5 minutes -- the amount of time it would take for approximately 5 gallons of water to run down over their head and body. Alternatively, immersing in a swimming pool can suffice for the custom of men who want to immerse themselves before Rosh Hashanah. The filter should not be running at the time of immersion. Please note, both these options do not qualify as a bona fide Mikvah and does not satisfy the requirement for women who need the Mikvah. 

Machzorim: We are strongly encouraging those attending Rosh Hashanah services to please bring their own machzor. Some will be available if needed. We ask that you use the same Machzor throughout the Yom Tov.
Thank God, we are back to a full schedule of minyanim including Selichot! For everyone's continued health and safety, we must ask that you please sign up in advance.

Selichot will be tomorrow, Erev Rosh HaShana, at 6:15 AM and will be all next week at 9 PM.
Click Here To Sign Up
Click Here To Sign Up
Lulav & Etrog Orders
This year, Hartford Etrog and the Chabad Chevra are back serving our community with Lulavim and Etrogim. Orders can be placed online here (click here). Of course, special COVID-19 precautions are being put in place to ensure we can all fulfill our mitzvah properly and in good health.
This year Lulavim and Etrogim can be picked up at the Young Israel on Thursday, 9/24. Rabbi Brander will be on hand to help assist in picking out the best species! See the order form to make an appointment.

Click here to check out our Young Israel Condensed Guide to Purchasing the Daled Minim.
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785