Young Israel Weekend Update -- Bulletin & Schedule 12/26/2020
01/01/2021 03:34:03 AM
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There's always a lot going on at Young scroll down and check out our bulletin!!
Shabbat Minyan reminder: Each week, depending on the forecast, we will be deciding whether our Shabbat Minyanim will be indoors or outdoors.
Due to the cold weather expected, we will be having TWO Shabbt Morning Minyan INDOORS. Please be sure to review our indoor minyanim protocols (available HERE) and sign up for minyanim (here).
...only 1 warm and caring community like our Young Israel of West Hartford
Thank you to everyone who helped make our Chanukah so special.
Thank you to our Chanukah Night Live special hosts Rabbi Tuvia Brander, Leah Forgosh, Elisheva Lempel, Jacob Schreiber and Stan Rutstein and our musical guests Yonina, the YStuds, the Maccabeats, the Yeshiva Boys’ Choir and Eighth Day!
Thank you to everyone who come to our DONUT DRIVE-BY. Special thank you to Leora Trencher for driving up our donuts and David Rosen for helping distribute!
Above all, thank you to Dr. Ronit Kaufman for helping coordinate, plan and execute all our Chanukah festivities!!
The Fast of Asara B’Tevet (the Tenth of Tevet) commemorates the tragedy of Babylonians laying siege to Jerusalem. We see then, that the tenth of Tevet – on which the siege of Jerusalem began, was the beginning of the whole chain of calamities which finally ended with the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Temple). In contemporary times in Israel, Kaddish is recited on this day for people whose date or place of death is unknown. Consequently, many rabbis have designated it as a day of remembrance for the Holocaust.
It is the only fast day that can fall out on a Friday. Under those circumstances, the fast continues into Shabbat until nightfall (tzet hakovachim). Mincha Friday afternoon includes the special Torah reading and Haftarah for fast days. Regular Shabbat preparations can be undertaken including showering (thank you :)) and shaving. At mincha, we do not recite Tachanun nor Avinu Malkenu.
Fast Begins………….5:46 AM
Shacharit……....….8:00 AM * NEW TIME
Mincha………………..3:50 PM
Candle Lighting…......4:07 PM
Fast Ends with Kiddush…………….4:58 PM
Those who are not feeling well (even if not life-threatening) or nursing or pregnant are exempt from fasting. If you have any questions if you should fast, please feel free to ask Rabbi Brander.