Young Israel Weekend Update -- Bulletin & Schedule 1/2/2021!
01/01/2021 03:35:21 AM
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There's always a lot going on at Young scroll down and check out our bulletin!!
2020 has certainly been quite a year, in hindsight! As we look to a brighter 2021, with God's help, filled with good health, immunizations, and the renewed company of friends and family, allow me a moment to thank you all for your incredible support and commitment these past 12 months. It has been tough going at times -- but we are an incredibly strong and resilient people. Thank you for your partnership, friendship, and constant inspiration.
May we continue to only go from strength to strength.
Shabbat Minyan reminder: Each week, depending on the forecast, we will be deciding whether our Shabbat Minyanim will be indoors or outdoors.
Due to the cold weather expected, we will be having TWO Shabbt Morning Minyan INDOORS. Please be sure to review our indoor minyanim protocols (available HERE) and sign up for minyanim (here).