Shabbat Hang Out, Outdoor Family Movie Night 11/7
Teen Bonfire & Movie, Snack and Shmooze 10/24
Simchat Torah Scavenger Hunt 10/11
Sukkot Mixology 10/8
Pizza Before the Hut 9/30
Shofar All Around Town 9/20
Making Meaning in the Machzor: Covid Edition: 9/9 & 9/16 Isolated & Quarantined in a Whale? Jonah's Message for Us: 9/23
Apple Picking at Lyman Orchard 9/6
Shabbat on Wednesday with Special Guest Rabbi Brahm Weinberg 9/2
Bingo and Bites 8/
Young Israel 3 Weeks & Tisha B'Av Guide 8/1
Click here read our 3 Weeks & Tisha B’Av Guide with detailed information about pertinent halakhot, upcoming programs, schedules and more!
Also, listen to Rabbi Brander’s comments about observing the 3 Week during the Coronavirus — click here
My Rebbe: Reflections on Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz zt"l 8/12
Join us for a special Shabbat On Wednesday paying tribute to HaRav Adin (Even-Israel) Steinsaltz zt'l with a guest sermon by Chaim Davisentitled My Rebbe: Reflections on Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz zt'l
Chaim will be sharing experiences, stories and memories through the unique lens of a student and someone who has a long relationship with Rabbi Steinsaltz zt'l.
Join tonight at 8:30 PM at or by calling in at (646) 558-8656 and Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#.
Ice Café with Lone Soldiers 8/9
The Newlywed Game 7/26
A Morning of Learning 7/26
Shabbat Shalom 7/17
Rabbi Branders Upsherin 7/7
Live in West Hartford (Kind of ) with Ashley Blaker 6/21
Shavuot Night Live 5/30
Jeopardy Night 5/26
Torah in a Flash 5/25
Family Feud: Jerusalem Edition 5/21
Bingo 5/19
Teen Game Night Pizza Party 5/16
Escape the Zoom 5/12
Middle School Game Night 5/5
Reflection & Celebration: Israels 72nd Birthday 4/28
Communal Yizkor 4/13
Golden Anniversary Zoom Celebration 4/12
Siyum Celebration: Fast of the First Born 4/8
Many Voices One Torah 4/5
Seder Success Tips 4/1
Pre-Pesach Wine Sale 3/27
Conversations in Coping 3/24
Young Israel Trivia Fun 3/23
Family Purim Seudah 3/10
Incredible Purim Open House 3/10
Purim Hamantash Bake 3/10
Purim Party Bus 3/9
Mr. Bungles Purim Fun 3/9
Star Wars Purim 3/9
Bagels. Lox. Tefillin. 3/8
Young Israel Cholent Cook-Off 2/29
Tu BiShvat Plant-fest 2/23
Pink Shabbat 2/21
Mad Science Motzaei Shabbat 2/8
Teen Kiddush Konversations 1/25
Shabbat Oneg 1/24
Axe Throwing 1/18
Chanukah Lunch 'n' Learn 12/25
A Truly Stereotypical Chanukah Eve 12/24
Olive Oil Press Chanukah Workshop 12/22
Dor L'Dor Learning Torah, Pizza, Prizes 12/7
The Untold Story of Bringing Home Zechariah Baumel z'l 12/7
Musical Lunch and Friday Teen Night 12/6-7
How Climate Impacts Geopolitics in Israel 12/6
An Interactive Performance by Ariella Zeitlin, Violinist 12/4
Raising Resilient Families in Turbulent Times 12/4
The Secret to Jewish Education & Leadership 12/4
Hot Cocoa & Musical Fun 12/3
Seventh Delegation to West Hartford 12/3 - 12/5
Turkey Bowl Flag Football Tournament 11/29
Margot Jeremias Kristallinacht Commemoration Lecture 11/25
Shabbat Achim 11/16
Theater Night at the Playhouse on Park: A Shayna Maidel 11/16
Oneg Shabbat 11/15
Fall Regional Shabbaton 11/15 - 11/17
Community Mishmar 11/9
Oneg 11/8
Simchat Torah Luncheon 11/22
Simchat Torah Community Lecture 10/21
Simchat Torah Night 10/21
Kiddie Hakafot 10/21
Sushi in the Sukkah
Sukkah Crawl 10/18
Sukkah Decoration Extravaganza 10/6
Kapparot Controversy; Annual Shabbat Shuva Lecture 10/5
Shabbat Guest Speaker 9/27 - 9/28
11th Annual Shul-Bay Aliyot Auction 9/26
Teshuva Program Elul: Days of Preparation 9/26 & 10/6
Pizza & Parasha 9/25
Living Joyously in Uncertain Times 9/24
Teen Community Pre-Selichot Event 9/21
Teen Programs Shabbat Day 9/21
Welcome Back BBQ 9/8
At Home in America? 9/8
Teen Seudah Shlishit 9/7
Under One Roof, Welcoming the Stranger
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785