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Dear Friends, 

Every year as we reach Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day), we come together - as one people and one community - to both remember and honor those who have fallen in securing and protecting our homeland and to celebrate and give thanks to God for the realization of a 2000-year-old dream -- the modern miracle of the State of Israel.

Like so much else, this year will be a little different. Yet, despite being physically distant, we can still have the opportunity to come together as one community and one people and in ways that in previous years were not possible. The challenge we have is that must opt-in and decide to create for ourselves the spirit and religious significance of these sacred days on our modern calendar. 

Below are just some of the many Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut happenings locally and around the globe. I urge you find some time over the next 48 hours to join with our people in commemorating and celebrating the historic reality of our reborn Jewish State.

In particular, I invite you to join us at our 3rd annual communal Tekes Maavar: Transition Ceremony and communal Yom HaAtzmaut Celebration. I am so proud that our Young Israel continues to take a central role in spearheading this important communal gathering. Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday, April 28 at 5:30 PM on zoom at


Rabbi Tuvia Brander

ISRAEL @ 72!

Join the entire community for a community-based virtual and interactive Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) program. Plus, a special torch-lighting ceremony honoring our local COVID-19 Heroes.

TUESDAY, April 28 at 5:30 PM
on Zoom at

Click here to see full listing!

Ways to commemorate Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day)
and to celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day)

  • Communal Tekes Ma’avar: Transition Ceremony – Commemorating Yom HaZikaron and Celebrating Yom HaAtzmaut. Plus, special tribute to our local COVID-19 heroes. Tuesday at 5:30 PM JOIN:
  • Special Yom HaAztzmaut Pondering The Parasha: Wednesday at 11:45 AM by Rabbi Brander Exploring the Significant of the Land of Israel Through the Eyes of Halakha! JOIN at
  • Modern Prophets: Exploring an Israeli Musical Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak: Rabbi Brander will explore Ishay Ribo’s new song Keter Melukha. Wednesday at 7:00 PM JOIN at
Monday, 4/27:  
  • Israeli movie screening from Ma’aleh films. Documentary short “Where To?” A group of bereaved Israeli fathers who participate in a workshop to deal with grief of losing a child to terror or in military action. Short film “11 Minutes” about Israeli paramedic on her first tour of duty and challenges she faces treating a wounded soldier. Monday at 9:00 PM
Tuesday, 4/28:
  • Bnei Akiva of US & Canada presents an internationally broadcasted Tekes Ma’avar including candle lighting ceremony and a festive tefilah featuring special words of inspiration from Rachelle Frankel and music by Eitan Katz. Tuesday at 7:30 PM on live on facebook (Beni Akiva) or zoom here:
  • Religious Zionists of America present Tekes Maavar featuring Chief Rabbis Lau, Chief Chazan of Tzahal Shai Abramson, Miriam Peretz, and Sivan Rahav Meir. Tuesday at 7:30 PM. JOIN:
Wednesday. 4/29:  
Available Tuesday and Wednesday
  • World Mizrachi has a slew of incredible speakers, performers, teachers and dignitaries including President Reuven Rivlin, Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Rabbi Berel Wein, Rabbi Dr. JJ Schacter, Shani Taragin, Ishay Ribo, Shim Cramer, Eli Beer, Peter Abelow and many others (flyer here) For full schedule visit:
Resources for Celebrating @ Home:  

Tonight begins Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day. While every day we carry the religious imperative to never forget and to honor the memories of those who perished, Yom HaShoah each year is a day dedicated to sacred memory as we reflect on both on the enormity of our losses and highlight the value every precious soul.

Obviously, this year, we are unable to gather together physically to accomplish this goal: to perpetuate their memory or to honor those who survived and have worked to make a better world for all of us. Nonetheless, I invite you to join me and mark Yom HaShoah with the necessary moral and religious solemnity it deserves.

Below are a number of resources I have assembled to help us accomplish this lofty and often daunting goal.


Rabbi Tuvia Brander
(1) Last year, our very own Bumi Gelb shared his own story and personal testimony as part of an inter-generational conversation with his great-granddaughter, Tehila.
You can watch both Bumi's interview and conversation with Tehila here. Also, you can read a transcript of Bumi's prepared remarks here.
(2) Tomorrow, Tuesday April 21st at 7:00 PM, there will be a virtual commemoration in conjunction with Voices of Hope and the Mandell JCC. It can be accessed online either on facebook ( or on youtube ( It is pre-recorded and will be available afterwards.
(3) Nationally, the Jewish Federations of North America is running A Special Virtual Ritual of Remembrance: Light From the Darkness. Modeled on the Pesah Seder, this will be an evening filled with song and story helping us fulfill the responsibility that survivors have entrusted to us. To join and register, click here.

(4) Yeshiva University is presenting a virtual Yom HaShoah Commemoration tonight featuring Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter, Dr. Moshe Avital and others. To register, click here.

(5) The World Mizrachi Moment is hosting an all-day live stream of Yom HaShoah programming featuring Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Alan Dershowitz, Rabbi Hanoch Teller and many others. Click here to join

(6) Both the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum as well as Yad Vashem have great websites filled with interesting things to learn about. Here are some interesting shiurim to listen to.  

(7) Here is a powerful video of the siren in Israel on Yom Hashoah.


Click here for the 2019 Young Israel of West Hartford Three Weeks and Tisha B'Av Guide & Schedule!


Click Here for the full Shavuot 5779-2019 Schedule

with Some Many Different Exciting Programs Happening...

Join Us and Let's Learn Some Torah Together!


1. ALL NIGHT  Tikun Leil Shavuot Program

2. LATE LATE NIGHT SHOW - The Teen Tikun Leil 

3. PARENT-CHILD Shavuot Learning

4. Tikun Yom Shavuot - 2nd Day of Shavuot Learning 

5. Shavuot Community BBQ Luncheon





Check out this year’s Young Israel of West Hartford Pesach Guide.

It’s packed with important Pesach tidbits, our Pesach schedule and  exciting information about upcoming Pesach programing all happening at Young Israel!



Rabbi Brander will be available at the Young Israel of West Hartford to become your agent for the selling of your Chametz at the following times:

  • After morning minyan on Tuesday (4/16), Wednesday (4/17) and Thursdays (4/11 & 4/18)
  • In the evenings: 

Sunday, April 7th, 7:30PM – 8:30 PM 

Thursday, April 11th, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM 

Tuesday, April 16th, 7:35 PM – 8:30 PM

  • Sunday Morning, April 14th, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM

Download your form here or pick one up in the Young Israel lobby.


Do you have questions that you have always wanted to ask but never had the opportunity? Always wanted to ask but were afraid to? 

Join us Shabbat Morning, September 22nd, for a special Q & A sermon! Ask the questions you have always had but never had the chance to ask. Submit your questions ahead of time and submit them anonymously if you wish.



DONATE or BUY TICKETS to the Siyum

Join us as we honor two incredible couples who's impact has been felt across the Greater Hartford Jewish Community
Daniella & Rabbi Avi Robinson
Elisheva & Zev Davidovics
Sunday, June 10, 2018 at 4:15 
Temple Beth El
2626 Albany Avenue
West Hartford, Connecticut

In the lead up to our Annual Fundraiser, Young Israel of West Hartford is coming together to collectively study all twenty four books of the Hebrew Bible.  The Siym and dinner is a celebration of this achievement as we honor the Davidovics and Robinson Families' dedication to Torah learning and Torah values which are at the core of our Young Israel community.


Ever study the entire Bible? Curious about some of those more obscure books? 

The Young Israel of West Hartford is embarking on a campaign to complete the entire TANACH for our annual event June 10!

Want to take part? No problem! SIGN UP HERE

As we lead up to this Siyum Tanach, Celebration for the Completion of the Bible, we will be devoting classes and our Shavuot learning to exploring different aspects of our Tanach!

Shabbat 5/5: Extra-Biblical Flood Accounts and a Message from the Biblical Flood by Dr. Deena Grant

Shabbat 5/12: Jerusalem: Now & Then - An Exploration of the Archeology of the ancient city of Jerusalem by Rabbi Tuvia Brander

Shabbat 5/26: Explorations in Samuel by Tsion Cohen




Click Here for the full Shavuot 5778-2018 Schedule

With Some Many Different Exciting Programs Happening...

Join Us and Let's Learn Some Torah Together!

The Tikun Leil Shavuot Program

UP ALL NIGHT SHAVUOT - The Teen Tikun Leil 

Parent & Child Learn'n'Dinner

Shavuot BBQ Luncheon






Check out this year’s Young Israel of West Hartford Pesach Guide. It’s packed with important Pesach tidbits, our Pesach schedule and  exciting information about upcoming Pesach programing all happening at Young Israel!



Need to Sell your Chametz?

Rabbi Brander is available to become your agent to  selling your Chametz at the following times:

  • After morning minyan Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning  3/22.
  • Thursday Evening, 3/22, 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM
  • Sunday Morning, 2/25, 9:00 AM – 10:15 AM
  • Sunday Evening, 3/25, 7:30PM – 8:30PM
  • Wednesday Evening, 3/28, 7:25 PM – 8:25 PM

Forms can be downloaded here or found in the Young Israel lobby.

Update this content.




Sofer Sign Up Here


Get your Mezuzot and Tefillin check! Purchase new Mezuzot! Click the sign up link above. 

Video taken from


Shatnez Checker Sign Up Here


Shatnez Primer

High Holiday Seating Reservation Form

High Holiday Packet 5778



Shabbat Shuva Sermon:

U'Netaneh Tokef: The Story Behind The Story

Shabbat Shuva • September 23, 2017 • 5:15 PM



Join us for this end of the summer gathering, see old friends and welcome new ones...

and don't miss our very own Young Israel Mini Golf Course!

Event Flyer

Click here to see our 3 Weeks and Tisha B'Av Guide and Schedule


Click here for the full Shavuot 5777/2017 Schedule

We also are excited to welcome our Shavuot Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Yosef Bronstein. 

Rabbi Yosef Bronstein resides in Washington Heights, NY with his wife, Batya, a psychologist, and children, Talya and Yehuda.  He is a professor of Jewish Philosophy at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women and Isaac Breuer College of Hebraic Studies Honors Program where he spreads his passion for the philosophies of Rav Kook, Rabbi Soloveitchik and the Lubavitcher Rebbe.  In addition, he is pursuing a PhD in Talmudic Studies at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies. He received semikha from RIETS, an MA in Talmudic Studies from Revel, and completed RIETS Wexner Kollel Elyon.  While in Israel, he studied at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh, Yeshivat Har Etzion and Merkaz HaRav.  Most importantly, his favorite color is purple.

Every year as Pesach rolls around we are faced with same challenge: Can we reenact redemption? Can we feel redeemed? What does that even mean?


Join us this Shabbat HaGadol at 6:00 PM as we examine the mode of redemption buried in our seder in the hopes of understanding redemption in 2017.

Prepare for Pesach!



Five Easy Steps!


Step 1 - Review the wine list from Skyview and make your choices.

Step 2 - Write your selections on our order form & fill out the Matzah order form.

Step 3 - Bring your completed forms & checks to YIWH or 37 Miamis Road

Step 4 – Pick up your wine and matzah orders

Step 5 - Slowly savor the wine and enjoy a joyful Pesach


Of course, don't forget to join us for an fine evening of wine tasting and cheese as well as a special presentation by Rabbi Brander entitled "How To Choose The Best Wines For Your Seder"This Saturday night, 3/18, at 8:45 PM at the Kesler Home (24 Westwood Road). 

Of course, don't forget to join us for an fine evening of wine tasting and cheese as well as a special presentation by Rabbi Brander entitled "How To Choose The Best Wines For Your Seder?"! This Saturday night, 3/18, at 8:45 PM at the Kesler Home (24 Westwood Road)

Questions ? Contact Steve Luger (

Purim 5777 @ Young Israel

2017 Purim Flyer

Submit your 5-minute-or-less Purim shpiel as a video or live show script to by Mar. 5.  All submissions must reference the Young Israel of West Hartford at least once.  Please contact Eli Aroesty at with any questions.


We are extremely excited to host Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom for the Shabbat of March 3 & 4. We will have the opportunity to hear from him a number of times over the weekend including Friday night at a special Friday night dinner at the Young Israel, after minyan Shabbat morning and in a special session Sunday morning with the Federation at the JCC. See below for a full schedule and topics! 

Please join us! For more information, please contact Lauren at 


Friday, 3/3, Shabbat Dinner & Oneg

Israeli Society: Does Fear Trump Love?

5:30 PM Candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat services at Young Israel of West Hartford

6:45 PM Shabbat Dinner (by reservation only)

$22/adult, $15/child, children under 3 are free; space is limited

Dessert and Community Oneg with Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom: ~8:00 pm

Shabbat, 3/4, Morning Sermon 

An Insider Look At The Israeli Rabbinate: Challenges & Opportunities

Sermon by Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom after services at 11:00am (approx.) followed by Kiddush.


Sunday, 3/5 

From a Dream to Reality: Ethiopian Aliya In Israel

Community Program with Ethiopian-Israeli Rabbi Sharon Z. Shalom, Ph.D.: 10:30am

RSVP to Stacy Jennings at or 860.727.6130




Bio: Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom

Born Zaude Tesfai in a small village in the Tigre region of Ethiopia, Rabbi Sharon Z. Shalom was nine years old in 1984, when he embarked on a 1,500 trek without his family, to the Sudan, a journey that was to bring him to Israel, during the airlift mission, Operation Moses.

Given a new Hebrew name and grieving for his family whom, as he was told, had died on the way to Sudan, Sharon Shalom went to live at the Emunah Children’s Centre in Afula, a residential home for immigrant and at-risk children. Emunah Afula was his home and haven for the next four years. His family, by the way, had miraculously survived, although Sharon would not hear this incredible news for more than two years after making Aliyah.

In coming years Sharon Shalom, would complete high school, study at Yehivat Har Etzion, serve in the army in the infantry officer, prior to gaining his BA, MA and PhD from the Bar Ilan University. The title of his doctoral dissertation is “Judaism of Faith? A case study on Theology of the Ethiopian Jewish Community Beta Yisrael”. Rabbi Sharon Shalom was only the second Ethiopian immigrant to receive semicha (ordination) from the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yisrael Meir Lau.

Rabbi Shalom was 37 years old when appointed as the rabbi of the Kdoshei Yisrael Synagogue in Kiryat Gat, then made up of mainly holocaust survivors. Under his leadership Kdoshei Yisrael has become a vibrant community with members originating from Russia, Ethiopia, Morocco, Tunisia and of course, Israel.

Rabbi Sharon currently works as a faculty lecturer at both the Bar Ilan and Tel Aviv Universities. In addition, he is an inspirational lecturer and sought after speaker in Israel and around the world, and the author of numerous published articles.

In 2012 Rabbi Sharon Shalom published his original book From Sinai To Ethiopia: The Halachic World and Ethiopian Jewish Thought. The book includes “Shulchan HaOrit”, the table of light, a halachic guide for Beta Yisrael. This groundbreaking book, has generated much discussion, controversy and expansion of knowledge, and was republished in English in 2015. Rabbi Sharon is currently under contract with a leading Israeli publisher for an additional book, soon to be published.

Rabbi Sharon Z. Shalom is married to Swiss-born Avital, a social worker and art therapist. The couple live in the Southern Israeli city of Kiryat Gat with their 5 wonderful children - Roi, Nadav, Ziv, Gil and Tohar.

Do you make the best chulent in West Hartford?
PROVE IT---Join our chulent cookoff!
Go to

Just love Chulent?
Join us on Shabbat morning, 1/21, to taste test West Hartford's best Chulents!


Scholar-in-Residence: Rabbi Menachem Leibtag


Friday Night Oneg

7:45 PM at the Bruce home

116 Brewster Road

Who is Chosen, Who is Blessed and Who is Best?

Using Algebra to explain the complicated stories in Bereishit


Pre-Shacharit Shiur

8:15 AM in the sanctuary

in place of the Chayei Adam Class

What Mitzvot Did The Avot Keep?


Shabbat Morning Sermon

following davening

From Creation to Civilization to Revelation:

The meaning of Shabbat in light of Genesis


Shabbat Afternoon Class

during Seudah Shlishit

Stories in Breishit That Explain How & Why We Pray


It appears you do not have Adobe Reader or PDF support in this web browser. Click here to download the PDF





Kumzits & Selichot

Saturday Night, September 24, 2016
Kumzits: 12:20am | Selichot: 12:43am

Join us each night until Yom Kippur for Selichot at 9:00pm in the main sanctuary.  Check the bulletin for more details.

High Holiday Seating Reservation Form

High Holiday Packet 5777

It appears you do not have Adobe Reader or PDF support in this web browser. Click here to download the PDF

Join us this Sunday, September 11th, as we honor our local firefighters and express our gratitude for their heroic efforts that keep us safe and secure. 
Come and bring your children at 9:00 am to the Young Israel of West Hartford to create and decorate Thank You & Appreciation Cards for our local firefighters and join us at 9:45 am as we head over to Fire Station 4 (2460 Albany Ave) to show our appreciation. Feel free to bring baked goods or sealed treats to really brighten our firefighters’ day.
For more information, email us
You Are Invited
Tuesday, September 13th, from 5:15 - 7:15 PM to
Young Israel of West Hartford Membership BBQ
Join us for dinner, relax with old friends and make new ones! 
also featuring
our first YIWH Kidz Club event of the year
Harris In Wonderland's
  Exotic Animal Show 
6-7 PM
Free and Open to the Public! 
For more information, please feel free to contact

Click here to view the full Three Weeks and Tisha B'Av Guide and Schedule

Special Presentation

Purification & Preservation: Challenges of Ideology in the Israel Defense Forces Today

Rabbi Shalom Hammer

This Monday, August 8th, 6:45 PM at the Young Israel of West Hartford. Jointly sponsored by Young Israel of West Hartford and Beth David Synagogue. 





Shabbat Afternoon Class                                                                      5:00 pm     Mincha                                                                                                  5:45 pm     Regular Seudah Shlishit to be completed by                                        7:52 pm           Fast Begins                                                                                            7:53 pm  

Shabbat Ends                                                                                        8:37 pm      Maariv & Eichah                                                                                  9:00 pm       Please remember to wear non-leather shoes


 Shacharit and Kinot                                                                              8:30 am

Following our local recitation of Kinot, we will be connecting to the YU live stream of Kinot and their discussion presented by Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter

 Chatzot (Midday)                                                                                     12:56 pm  Early Mincha (Beth David Synagogue)                                                     2:00 pm

Tisha B’Av Film Presentations


4:30 pm – 6:15 pm


6:30 pm – 7:15 pm

  Mincha                                                                                                   7:25 pm   Maariv                                                                                                    8:00 pm         Fast Ends                                                                                               8:37 pm

Click here to view full Shavuot Schedule

Shavuot is here and there is a lot happening at Young Israel!

Come join us for a class or two or even the entire night! Don't forget to RSVP for our communal Shavout BBQ and of course, don't miss our exciting parent-child learning program and our special Teen Tikun Leil Shavuot

Tikun Leil Shavuot

Prepare to receive the Torah with a night full of learning, insights and yummy food. Beginning at 11:45 PM, join us for a series of stimulating sessions as well as a special Teen Tikun Program. See Shavuot Schedule for more details.

YIWH Communal Shavuot BBQ!

Join friends and family for wonderful BBQ Yom Tov lunch on the second day of Shavuot, June 13th. To sign up or more information, click here or email

Parent Child Shavuot Learning June 12th

Come learn Torah with your children as part of this annual Young Israel tradition. Materials will be provided for study with separate programs for 1-4 and 5-8 grades. Join us on June 12th, 1st day of Shavuot from 5:00-6:15 PM. A dairy dinner will be served.

Pre-Pesach Wine Sale

Four Easy Steps!

Step 1 -  Review the Skyview Pesach Wine Sale List and make your choices.

Step 2 - Write your selections on our order form and calculate total. 

Step 3 - Bring your completed form & check to YIWH or the Feldman Residence (46 Stoneham Drive)

Step 4 - Slowly savor the wine and enjoy a joyful Pesach

For questions, please contact Steven at

Purim 5776

An Evening of Discovery

Secrets Of The Bible
Unearthed At The City of David


The City of David is the site of hte most stunning archeological excavations in Israel, with discoveries tracing the history of Jerusalem over the last 4000 years.
Come and hear about the excavations and view genuine artifacts which are shocking the world with evidence of the Bible, and of the unbreakable ties between the Jewish people and the land of Israel.

Multimedia and Artifacts Presentation by Ze'ev Orenstein, Director at the City of David Foundation


For more info: Alex 617.833.9551

Friday Night Communal Chinese Dinner

Young Israel of West Hartford invites you to join us on Friday night December 25 for a Shabbat Chinese Dinner. 

Candle lighting and services will take place at 4:06 pm at the Young Israel (2240 Albany Ave.). Dinner will follow at approximately 5:00 pm.

The cost is $12.50 per a person with a family maximum of $55. There is no charge for children under 5.

Food is being catered from Kosher Express in Fair Lawn, NJ.

A Sampling of Events from 2014











Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785