Behold, all of Pesach 2024/5784 in one place:
- Rabbi Brander's Pesach Guide 5784
- Pesach 5784/2024 Schedule
- Prepare for Pesach With Us
- Sell Your Chametz
- Help Us Support You -- Gift Cards for those in Need
- Maot Chitim Campaign
- Kasher Your Kelim
- Communal Chametz Burning
- Laufer Sefira Program
- Guide for Making 2nd Day Early
- Seudat Moshiach
- Pesach Wine Sale
Click HERE to download this year's complete
Young Israel of West Hartford Passover Guide 2024!
Prepare for Pesach With Us!
Learn how to clean your entire house for Pesach in just 1 day!
Save the bitterness this season for the seder plate!
Sell Your Chametz
It is prohibited to possess Chametz nor derive any benefit from Chametz on Pesach. Also, Chametz that was in the possession of a Jew on Passover may not be used even after the holiday. Therefore, any Chametz which cannot be consumed or disposed of before Passover, must be sold to a non-Jew. This is best accomplished by appointing Rabbi Brander to be your agent to sell your Chametz.
The legal act of designation of the Rabbi as agent for the sale of Chametz, is best performed in a personal meeting engaging in the act of Kinyan Suddar - a contractual form in Jewish law in which the transfer of a garment (e.g. a handkerchief) from the Rabbi to yourself is a visible manifestation of contractual intent and in which the garment serves as consideration for the contract.
Rabbi Brander will be available to become the agent for the selling of your Chametz at the following times at the Young Israel of West Hartford:
- Sunday, April 14th : 7:45 PM- 8:45 PM
- Tuesday, April 16th: 8:45 AM- 9:45 AM & 7:45 PM - 8:45 PM
- Thursday, April 18th: 7:45 PM- 8:45 PM
- Friday, April 19th: 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Please bring a completed ‘Delegation of Power of Attorney’ Form with you, which can be accessed here.
You can arrange for Rabbi Brander to sell your Chametz online by completing this form accessed at YOU MUST make sure you get a confirmation of receipt email to ensure that it went through – that is the only w ay ot ensure I will sell your chametz.
Which ever way you choose, be sure to take care of it by 5 PM FRIDAY, 4/19/2024.
It is customary when arranging to sell your chametz to give a donation to help those in need with purchasing Pesach provisions (Ma'ot Chitim) as well as other means of support. As opposed to Matanot Le’evyonim, which can easily be taken care of on the day of Purim, Maot Chitim is needed well in advance of Pesach to allow for proper distribution of funds.If you are sending a check, please let me know as I will distribute the monies even before the check has been received. Checks can be made out to “YIWH Rabbi Discretionary Fund” or donations can be made online at
Pesach is generally an expensive time for people. For those who might need, I will have extra scrip cards available. Please email me if you are in need of assistance and I will find a way to get them to you safely and discreetly.
Communal Kashering Pot
In general, separate non-Chametz dishes and utensils are used for Passover. Some year round items can be koshered for Passover by dipping them in boiling hot water. This year, we will be hosting our Communal Kashering Pot at the Crown Market from 11 am - 1 pm on Sunday, April 14th.
All utensils to be koshered must be completely cleaned and not have been used for 24 hours prior to koshering.
The following items CANNOT BE KASHERED:
1. Chinaware, pottery, plastics and all types of earthenware.
2. Utensils which have dents or cracks that cannot be reached by glowing heat.
3. Vessels which have an area which cannot be cleaned and scoured from within.
4. Pyrex dishes or any other glassware regularly used for hot food.
5. Teflon and similarly coated ware.
6. Silverware with glued-on handles, plastic handles or wooden handles.
7. Items that require a higher level of kashering including items requiring Kashering by burning, frying pans and large pots.
For more information, check out this year's 2024/5784 Pesach Guide available at or contact Rabbi Brander at with any questions
Laufer Sefira Challenge
Bringing In the 8th Day of Pesach Early
Just as we did in the past, we will be taking in the 8th Day of Pesach early this year. This will enable us to enjoy a much earlier Yom Tov dinner with our families and young children as well as avoid any violation of preparing from one day of Yom Tov for the next. For example, if we were not to bring in the 8th day of Pesach early, no preparation for the Yom Tov meal (cooking, setting table etc.) would be permitted until after 8:34 pm, delaying the meal until well after 8:50 pm.
Thus, by following the below method, we will be able to begin our meals much earlier as well as begin preparations, including cooking, at any time during the 7th day of Pesach, Monday, April 29 2024) for the evening meal.
1. Mincha will be promptly at 6:00 PM (before Plag HaMincha), followed by Maariv after 6:20 PM(Plag HaMincha).
2. Yom Tov Candles should be lit AFTER 6:20 PM (Plag HaMincha) and BEFORE reciting Kiddush.
3. Meals should begin without delay shortly after Plag HaMincha (6:20 PM) with the aim of getting to the main course before Shkiya (sunset,) at 7:47PM.
4. Any food prepared and warmed during the day on Monday should be tasted before Shkiya (sunset), 7:47 PM.
5. Yahrzeit candles for the next day should be lit after 8:34 PM.
Please note that this is only for this Monday night of the last days of Pesach and not for other Yom Tov evenings like the Seder nights where one must wait until nightfall before beginning the Seder or lighting candles for the second day of Yom Tov. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Rabbi Brander directly by email at or on his cell 561.271.4148.