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Just as our Young Israel is so much more than just a building, membership at the Young Israel of West Hartford is an opportunity to be part and help support our warm, loving vibrant community. We always look forward to welcoming new faces and making new friends. 

To become a member, please contact to receive a membership form. Prospective new members with membership forms already completed are welcome to reserve High Holiday seats at member rates. 

Within our community, we are fortunate to have a growing number of members and friends who have chosen to give above and beyond regular membership dues and participation in our annual fundraiser to ensure our Young Israel continues on its path of growth, vibrancy and excellence. 

All generous participants in the Chazak Society are recognized regularly in published synagogue materials. In addition, those Benefactor, Patron and Builder participants also receive 2 High Holiday seats.  

Please consider joining or renewing your commitment for the 5785/2024-2025 Chazak Society.

Chazak Society
(includes full or associate membership)
  Full Associate
Benefactor* $13,550 ( above regular dues)
Patron* $8,500  (above regular dues)
Builder* $3,550 (above regular dues)
Sustainer $2,150 
(above regular dues)
(above regular dues)
Pillar $1,050 
(above regular dues)
$1,075  (above regular dues)
Chai Plus $350 
(above regular dues)
(above regular dues)
Chai $180/Family
(above regular dues)
(above regular dues)
All generous participants in the Chazak Society are recognized regularly in published synagogue materials unless there is a specific request for anonymity. In addition, the Benefactor*, Patron* and Builder* participants will receive 2 high holiday seats.


High Holiday Minyan Information:

For Rosh HaShana we will be offering two minyanim:
1.  Early Minyan starting at 7:00 am
2.  Main Minyan starting at 9:00 am and going until ~1:00 PM

For Yom Kippur we will be offering one minyan
1.   Main Minyan starting at 8:30 am

How many seats would you like to reserve?

Pricing for Members:
Members/ Members Guest: $125.00 per person
Members aged 70+: $100.00 per person
Children/Students: $55.00 Per Person

Pricing For Non-Members:
Non- Members: $175.00 per person

Chazak Society Members:
Benefactor, Patron and Builder participants receive 2 free High Holiday seats.

Agudas Achim Lifetime Members:
Seats are free of charge for immediate member family.

Please note, no one is turned away due to financial reasons and we would like to welcome everyone. If you are a prospective member, you can receive the member rate of $125 per person.If you have any questions or need any help please contact the Rabbi Brander at





Please note: Seats are free of charge for immediate family members only.

Please input the name of the people attending, whether you are joining for Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur or both and which section you would like the seats in (ie. Men's or Women's section).

  * Name Location When Requests Notes


We plan to offer childcare both on Rosh HaShana and on Yom Kippur this year. Childcare will be limited to children aged two and older and children will be split into groups based on age. The cost will be $25/child for Rosh HaShana and $25/child for Yom Kippur.

The hours are as follows:
October 3rd, 2024 - 10:00 am - 1 pm
October 4th, 2024 - 10:00 am - 1 pm
October 11th, 2024 - 5:50 pm - 8:15 pm
October 12th, 2024 - 10 am - 2 pm

Rosh HaShana Card 5785

Once again, we are proud to present the Young Israel of West Hartford Rosh HaShana Card. Like in each of the past 25 years, this attractive customized Rosh HaShana card will be mailed to every member of our shul and will carry the names of all who wish to participate. 

New members are invited to participate for free – please just confirm how you would like you and your family to be listed.


Please indicate how you would like to be listed on the Rosh HaShana card. 

Kol Nidre Appeal

Please consider participating in advance in our Kol Nidre Appeal. We hope you join us in this important fundraiser for our shul.

Kol HaNe’arim Talit

Add your children's or grandchildren's names to our giant Kol ha-Ne'arim tallit in time for this year's chagim. The Kol ha-Ne'arim tallit will be used adorned to the entrance of our outdoor tent mekom tefilah for the High Holidays & Simchat Torah.

$108/name for the first 3 names
$54/ additional name

Past Dues and Pledges

Please remember, seats cannot be reserved until all past commitments (including previous years' dues and other pledges) are paid in full or a payment arrangement is worked out. Larry, our bookkeeper, will be sending out current statements in the coming days. 

At the same time, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please speak confidentially to Rabbi Brander or David Rosen.


Please note that seating requests cannot be processed until payment is received. To pay online, please note your total BEFORE you submit this form and follow the links provided at you submit your form. 


Sun, September 22 2024 19 Elul 5784