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11/10/2020 05:11:29 PM


Rabbi Brander's Wednesday Shavuot Sermon + Shavuot Packet + Yom Yerushalayim Throwback

05/28/2020 01:34:00 PM


Let's get ready for Shavuot Together!! 

Catch up on some Shavuot Torah with Torah In A Flash and Rabbi Brander's pre-Shavuot Sermon Check out our Young Israel Self Study Shavuot Guide (plus dont forget to pick one up)! Listen to...Read more...

Shavuot 5780: Standing At Sinai At Home Together - Schedule, Guide and DIY Learning Packet 5/27

05/28/2020 01:28:35 PM


There's always a lot going on at Young scroll down and check out our bulletin!!

Dear Young Israel Family,
As certainly seems to be a recurring theme these past several weeks, this Shavuot will be unlike any Shavuot we have celebrated...Read more...

This Week @ Young Israel --- CHECK OUT OUR WEEK AHEAD 1-PAGER --- Shabbat Schedule & Bulletin  5/9/2020

05/07/2020 08:08:57 PM


There's always a lot going on at Young scroll down and check out our bulletin!! Shabbat is coming....time to get excited!! Like with each Shabbat, we pray and hope that we will be back together in Shul soon!

This past week we have seen a lot of exciting firsts! We launched our Minutes of...Read more...

Today's Schedule - 5/6

05/06/2020 08:19:10 PM


TODAY'S SCHEDULE Click here to join any Young Israel event or dial in at (646) 558-8656, Meeting ID: 685 094 0946#.
  Minutes of Mishna #3 is up on our site! Check it out! With just a few minutes each day, follow Rabbi Brander and our community as we learn through the tractate of Chagigah in anticipation of...Read more...

Shabbat comes to Wednesday...Shabbat Drasha and Shmooze TONIGHT at 8:30PM

05/06/2020 08:11:38 PM


  View this email in your...

Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut 2020

04/27/2020 11:42:12 AM



This Week @ Young Israel -- Shabbat Schedule & Bulletin 4/25/2020

04/24/2020 02:45:01 PM


There's always a lot going on at Young scroll down and check out our bulletin!! It's Erev Shabbat AGAIN!! It is hard to imagine that we are entering our 6th Shabbat without being able to come together! That's 6 weeks where we haven't been able to daven, learn, read Torah and enjoy each other's company...Read more...

Yom HaShoah 2020

04/20/2020 08:34:53 PM


Tonight begins Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day. While every day we carry the religious imperative to never forget and to honor the memories of those who perished, Yom HaShoah each year is a day dedicated to sacred memory as we reflect on both on the enormity of our losses and highlight the value every precious soul.

Obviously, this year, we are unable to gather together physically to...Read more...

Come Shabbat With US!! Shabbat Schedule & Bulletin 4/18/2020

04/18/2020 10:00:02 AM


Just a reminder, please help us all do whatever we can to stay safe, flatten the curve and prevent the spread.  We, God willing, will have some wonderful weather and beautiful days over the upcoming days (hopefully at least). Please remember to maintain proper social distancing and please do not gather together in groups. Please remember that 6 feet is...Read more...

Important COVID Guidelines Going Into Yom Tov & Shabbat

04/14/2020 03:31:20 PM


My Dearest Friends,

It was such a pleasure to see so many of you on our 50th Anniversary Zoom party Sunday night and my honor to share a short Yizkor Drasha with you last night as part of our virtual Communal Yizkor.

As we go into the last days of Pesach, I have tried to make our Yom Tov davening as accessible as possible by creating this detailed halakhic guide to davening at home as well as the recitation of...Read more...

This Week @ the Young Israel of West Hartford: 2nd Days of Pesach Schedule, Guide and More

04/14/2020 06:47:19 AM


Tuesday 4/14 - Friday 4/8

Tuesday, April 14th – Erev Yom Tov   Shacharit 7:00 AM Mincha before and Maariv after 7:31...Read more...

Communal Yizkor Tonight 8 PM on Zoom

04/13/2020 08:50:48 PM


While we may not be able to physically gather for Yizkor nor to remember our loved ones, we can still come together virtual to recite our communal Yizkor and personal Yizkors together.

Tonight, at 8 PM, we will begin with some words of introduction from Rabbi Brander followed by the recitations of our communal Yizkors and concluding with the recitiation of our personal...Read more...

Reminder: Laufer Sefira Challenge + Upcoming Schedule

04/11/2020 08:52:26 PM



Important Health & Mental Health Guidance Ahead of Yom Tov & Shabbat + COVID-19 Support

04/08/2020 08:54:32 PM


Please note there are three important parts of this email:
(1) a message from Rabbi Brander about Pikuach Nefesh (Life Saving) Guidelines over Yom Tov and Shabbat
(2) a Joint Statement by the OU and RCA about Pesach and COVID-19
(3) Information on where to get food, financial and other forms of support during this health...Read more...

Erev Pesach Schedule, COVID-19 Relief Emergency Help, Pesach Window Scavenger Hunt, Zoom Siyum for Tomorrow -- Young Israel of West Hartford 4/

04/07/2020 09:00:51 AM


Tuesday Night 4/7 - Wednesday 4/8

  Tuesday Night 4/7 -- Night of Bedikat Chametz Mincha & Maariv (via Zoom)    7:10 PM Bedikat Chametz* (after) 7:52...Read more...

Young Israel Update #9 - Fri 3/27 Shabbat Schedule, Shabbat Video Contest, Kabbalat Shabbat Sing Along, and much more!

04/02/2020 05:13:41 PM


PLEASE PLEASE take a few moments and review this email! It contains important updates, information about upcoming events and a plethora of other things!

Good Morning,

Thank you, everyone, again for your well wishes and joining us this morning. Miriam, Amalya...Read more...

Upcoming Week Schedule, Pesach Prep & Last Week Recap  Sun 3/29

04/02/2020 05:13:29 PM


This Week's Schedule of Virtual Minyanim and Shiurim/Classes

All classes can be accessed via...

Young Israel Update #10 Wed 4/1

04/02/2020 05:13:18 PM


We continue to seek the best ways to communicate and connect with you, our beloved Young Israel family -- to ensure we can provide all the important communal, spiritual and pre-Pesach information while not bombarding our inboxes with a ceaseless amount of emails!

We are striving to share these updates several mornings a week to share all the important and exciting happenings going on....Read more...

Young Israel Update #11 - Thurs. 4/2

04/02/2020 04:02:51 PM


We continue to seek the best ways to communicate and connect with you, our beloved Young Israel family -- to ensure we can provide all the important communal, spiritual and pre-Pesach information while not bombarding our inboxes with a ceaseless amount of emails!

We are striving to share these updates several mornings a week to share all the important and exciting happenings going on. PLEASE HELP US OUT by dedicating a few moments to...Read more...

Young Israel Coronavirus Email #8: Conversations in coping TONIGHT, Wine, Sale, and much more

04/01/2020 01:39:44 AM


Good Morning,

PLEASE PLEASE take a few moments and review this email! It contains important updates, information about upcoming events and a plethora of other things!


04/01/2020 01:38:31 AM


Good Morning, 

PLEASE PLEASE take a few moments and review this email! It contains important updates, information about upcoming events and a plethora of other things! 

Thank you everyone for your well wishes. We look forward to naming our beautiful new daugther, God willing, Thursday over Zoom --...Read more...

3/22 - Young Israel Coronavirus Email #6: Important Information -- PLEASE READ

03/24/2020 06:28:57 AM


Good Evening, 

PLEASE PLEASE take a few moments and review this email! It contains important updates, information about upcoming events and a plethora of other things! 

As we go into a seond week of this brave (temporary) new world, we are sending you all lots of strength, love and support (from a...Read more...

Young Israel of West Hartford COVID-19 Updates

03/22/2020 06:43:53 PM


Missed an update from the Young Israel?

All our emails are collected on this page!

As always, and especially now, please know that Miriam and Rabbi Brander are here for you and your family and for anything you may need! Please don't hesitate to reach out! 


3/20 - Young Israel COVID-19 #6: Shabbat Schedule and more!! 

03/22/2020 06:31:35 PM


Good Morning Young Israel Family,

TGIF - Thank God, it is Erev Shabbos!!

Looking back at this past week, it is hard not to feel "wow, what a week it has been!". Our Young Israel is closed, schools are closed, work has been moved home, social distancing is all over -- our world has been turned upside down.

At the same time, I think about...

Young Israel Coronavirus Email #4: Daily Zoom Tefillah Times, Update On Closure, Youth Trivia Challenge, Shabbat Schedule and More!

03/19/2020 09:46:30 AM


Good Morning Young Israel Family,

I continue to be amazed by the tireless chesed and wisdom across our community.  Everyone has a role to play: giving, receiving, connecting, and collaborating. Just like in the construction of the Mishkan, we all have our part to play in the makeup of the beautiful community we call our own. 

Allow me to...

Young Israel Coronavirus Email #3: Daily Zoom Tefillah, Lunch'n'Learn, Torah Resources, Upcoming Events and More!

03/19/2020 09:46:17 AM


Good Morning Young Israel Family,

Every new day has new challenges and opportunities.  Let's continue to adapt together and expand our circles of connection and support ever wider. 

Today, let's try reaching out to a friend or relative you haven't connected with in a while -- show them you care and you'll see it will brighten your day...Read more...

Young Israel Coronavirus Email #1: Daily Zoom Tefillah, COVID-19 Relief Fund, and More!

03/16/2020 11:16:20 PM


Dear Young Israel Family,

As we begin a new week, we remain stronger together to confront the challenges of Covid-19 and its impact on our lives.  This email contains various updates and resources for our community - please read it thoroughly and carefully and utilize it as appropriate.

(1) Daily Tefillah Zoom Continues

YI Coronavirus Email #2: Daily Zoom Tefillah, PJL Resources, UpcomingEvents and More!

03/16/2020 11:14:37 PM


Good Morning Young Israel Family,

Our Young Israel was founded to be, and has always been, a beit k'nesset - a place of gathering.  A place we physically share in order to create community.  This is our mandate.

One of the hardest parts of the current situation we all find ourselves in, with our commitment to #flatteningthecurve and ensuring...Read more...

Email 3/4: Important Coronavirus Precautions and Policies

03/16/2020 01:14:36 PM


Dear Young Israel Family,
By now you may have heard of the case of Coronavirus in the Orthodox community in New Rochelle, leading to the closure of three Jewish days schools as well as a large Westchester orthodox synagogue. We pray for a Refuah Sh'leimah for Eliezer Yitzchak Ben Shifra, as well as all those affected by this and all illnesses.
We are all watching, with care and real concern, the spread...Read more...

Email 3/12: Shabbat Update COVID-19 

03/16/2020 01:09:08 PM


Dear Young Israel Family,

We are living in uncertain times. The outbreak of COVID-19 has challenged many of the ways we live our lives and added a level of uncertainty and an element of the unknown that is almost as difficult.

Like many of you, we have been watching and monitoring the developments in this outbreak in our region, around the globe and across the Jewish world. As we have said again and again, nothing is...Read more...

Mon, January 6 2025 6 Tevet 5785